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NowThis Earth


8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, AP® / College


Science, Social Studies, Economics, English Language Arts

Resource Type

  • Videos, 4 minutes, 28 seconds, CC, Subtitles

Regional Focus



YouTube Video

Everything You Need to Know About Greenwashing

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  • This video describes greenwashing, the history of the term greenwashing, and ways consumers can look for products that are better for the environment.
Teaching Tips


  • It’s quick and informative, allowing students to absorb the information in a small amount of time.
  • Graphics and text make the video more interesting for students.

Additional Prerequisites

  • The video outlines three ways to see through greenwashing: be a skeptic, look for certified ecolabels, and do your research.
  • It may be helpful to look up some ecolabels and certifications ahead of time for reference.
  • It may help to provide some information about the motivations of corporations, media literacy, and what wording is regulated on product packaging and marketing.


  • In history or economics classes, students could research major companies, their sustainability practices, and potential greenwashing by these companies.
  • This video could be used in as English language class to teach about media literacy.
  • Students could bring in products that are “green” and do further research on the product to decide whether it’s actually better for the environment.
  • Students could create a guide or poster about common marketing slogans or statements that are not regulated or certified.
  • Students could research other advertisements or products that are marketed or advertised as "healthy," "safe," or "good for the environment" and then research if any proof or evidence is needed to make the claims presented.
Scientist Notes
The history of greenwashing is discussed in this video. In addition, the video introduces a guide to show how to detect products that have been greenwashed. This is recommended for teaching.
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  • This video is clear and concise. This is a great resource to share with your students when it has become so difficult for them to sort out what is true, what is misleading, and what is outright false.
    2 years ago