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New Jersey Climate Change
Education Hub

The resources you and your school need to effectively teach climate change.

These comprehensive resources are built around the official NJ Student Learning Standards and expand on the work of the New Jersey Department of Education.

Teaching Resources

Search our database by keywords, resource type, grade level, subject, NJ Student Learning Standards, and more. All resources have been reviewed by a scientist and teacher team.

  • This comprehensive guide walks teachers through the process of supporting students as they experience the strong emotions that come from learning about climate change.
  • The guide includes descriptions and explanations for some of the climate-related emotions, activities for teachers to use in the classroom, ideas for teachers and other staff to support students, and appendices with additional resources.
Grade k-2 | 3-5 | 6-8 | 9-12
Subject Science,Health
Resource Type Scientific Reports

  • This interactive map provides students with a plethora of information about the locations of human health hazards, the public's access to various resources, and many other parameters in the New York City area.
  • Students will be able to see data for air and water pollution, the locations of hazardous waste sites, climate change effects, access to transportation, and housing statistics as they relate to demographics areas.
Grade 9-12
Subject Science,Civics,Geography
Resource Type Interactive Media

  • This section of the EJNYC report from 2024 highlights that air pollution in New York City has decreased and provides details specifically about the NYC Clean Trucks program.
  • Students will read about the sources of air pollutants, the increasing air-pollution-related health impacts in low-income communities and communities of color, and movements, policies, and actions to reduce air pollution.
Grade 9-12
Subject Civics,Geography,Health
Resource Type Scientific Reports

  • This resource features a fast facts downloadable PDF, infographics, and background information to complement a video lecture about the disproportionate impact of energy use on the health of marginalized communities.
  • The resource helps students build a strong background knowledge of environmental justice concerns before they watch the lecture.
Grade 9-12 | ap-college
Subject Physics,Civics,Geography,Engineering
Resource Type Articles/Websites

  • This interactive map allows students to explore different trees in New York City.
  • By clicking on the circular icons representing the trees in the city, students can see individual tree details like their species, diameter, latest inspection dates, and ecological benefits.
Grade 6-8 | 9-12
Subject Science,Social Studies,Geography
Resource Type Interactive Media

  • This resource is an interactive map where students can see current and inactive testing sites where the Community Water Quality Testing program has tested the water in New York and New Jersey estuaries.
  • Students can click on sites on the map to find spreadsheets showing the results of weekly tests for the location.
Grade 9-12
Subject Science,Social Studies
Resource Type Graphs/Tables

  • In this resource, students will learn about environmental injustice and major events that shaped the environmental justice movement through case studies showing the efforts of different individuals in fighting for environmental justice.
  • Students will also perform an assessment by reflecting on this movement, determining its relevance to their communities, and identifying their roles in addressing these issues if present.
  • Students will be introduced to examples of environmental injustice and environmental activism, such as those in Warren County, NC; Houston, TX; Welcome, LA; Navajo Nation; and New Orleans, LA.

Grade 9-12 | ap-college
Subject Civics,Geography,Health
Resource Type Lesson Plans

  • In this picture e-book, students will follow the characters as they work to determine why there is no snow on Annabeth's roof and how they may be wasting energy in their homes from various activities.
  • Students will learn where we waste the most energy, how to conserve energy, and what a solar farm is.
Grade k-2 | 3-5
Subject Science,English Language Arts
Resource Type Ebooks

  • This 6-part video series features people working in careers that produce innovative solutions to global problems concerning the environment, health, and inequality.
  • The resource also includes discussion questions for each video, a vocabulary list, teaching tips, and a worksheet for students to complete as they watch the videos.
  • Students will hear from an entrepreneur cleaning up the Pacific Garbage Patch, a former fisherman in New Haven working to grow kelp, an inventor in Albany working to replace things like plastic, leather, and bacon with mushrooms, an NYC architect reimagining the future of cities, game designers in Chicago using VR to reinvent physical therapy, and housing designers in Austin using 3D printing to solve the global housing crisis.
Grade 9-12
Subject Science,Engineering,Career Skills
Resource Type Videos

  • In this 17-minute video, students will learn about a simple ID badge with a QR code that medical health professionals can wear to provide information and guidance to their patients about climate change and how it affects their health.
  • Anyone can scan the QR code to gain valuable information about the connections between climate change and health, but it provides a simple way for doctors and healthcare practitioners to approach the subject.
Grade 9-12
Subject Science,Health
Resource Type Videos

Professional Learning

Find the right professional learning opportunity for you or your school, whether it is support for curriculum development or foundational knowledge about climate change.

Sustainable Jersey

EmPowered Schools 2024-2025

Apply to be an EmPowered School!  The Empowered Schools program provides free support and resources to edu...

Format: Online: Asynchronous
Date(s) Offered: September 2024- June 2025
New Jersey Agriculture in the Classroom

NJ Ag in a Box Series

New Jersey Agriculture in the Classroom (NJAITC) is seeking teachers in grades 3, 4, or 5 from 12 schools to particip...

Date(s) Offered: September 2024-June 2025
This Is Planet Ed

Local K-12 Climate Action Plan: Key Questions to Get Started

This 6-page guide features a list of questions to help school administrators a...

Format: Online: Asynchronous

Create Your Own Climate and Energy Units

This step-by-step guide provides a framework for utilizing CLEAN resources to develop NGSS-aligned...

Format: Online: Asynchronous

Teaching About Climate Change

This series of courses, developed by SubjectToClimate, helps teachers teach about climate change.Climate Chan...

Format: Online: Asynchronous
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

Summary of Climate Change in New Jersey for Teachers

This 15-page guide outlines the state of climate change in New Jersey for teachers. It...

Format: Online: Asynchronous
National Center for Science Education

1.5°C May Not Seem Like Much, But It's a Really Big Deal. Here's Why.

This article explains the importance of limiting global heating to th...

Format: Online: Asynchronous
Oregon State University

Trauma-Informed Toolkit

This 70-page PDF will help educators navigate trauma in the classroom. Sections in the toolkit include definitions...

Format: Online: Asynchronous
The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education

The Cloud Institute's Education for Sustainability Benchmarks for Individual and Social Learning

The Cloud Institute's Education for Sustai...

Format: Online: Asynchronous

Elementary Teaching Strategies

This article features information about eight elementary teaching strategies to teach about climate change....

Format: Online: Asynchronous

All resources can be used for your educational purposes with proper attribution to the content provider.