Oregon Climate Education Hub
Press Release

Oregon Climate Education Hub - Press Release

Oregon Educators for Climate Education and SubjectToClimate announce the Oregon Climate Education Hub

Oregon Educators for Climate Education and SubjectToClimate are launching an online platform with resources to enable Oregon schools to integrate climate change education across grade levels and subjects.

Oregon Educators for Climate Education and SubjectToClimate are announcing the launch of the Oregon Climate Education Hub. We are excited to launch this Hub, which will build on current momentum to prioritize climate change education, as seen by the efforts surrounding state Senate Bill 854, and speak to demonstrated needs in Oregon. 


The Oregon Climate Education Hub uses the digital infrastructure of SubjectToClimate’s Core Platform to provide educators with free, credible, engaging resources on climate change education. The Oregon Hub includes:

  • High-quality teaching resources (e.g. lesson plans, readings and curricular materials) from SubjectToClimate’s Core Platform aligned to Oregon educational standards
  • Links to general and Oregon-specific professional learning opportunities 
  • Exemplar OR-centric lesson plans written by Oregon teachers
  • News articles for students that can be differentiated by grade level
  • ClimateSocrates, a chat tool developed in partnership with MIT to answer basic climate change and pedagogical questions


Sarah Ruggiero of OECE describes the site as a “one stop shop with all the best, standards-aligned  resources in climate education,” noting that “the regional, Oregon-based lessons add relevance, enabling students to feel like they are part of the global community.” COO of SubjectToClimate Margaret Wang states, "This is an opportunity for states to see what it looks like to provide educators with the necessary tools (such as resources or access to professional learning) before or while they are working on legislative changes.” While efforts continue to push the Senate Bill forward, the Hub will begin responding to demands by Oregon educators and students.  Oregon educator and founding member of OECE Tana Shepard maintains that “with potential legislation, a place based climate change integration framework and ready to go lessons on the Hub, Oregon teachers will be poised to provide their students timely, standards based climate related lessons that are designed with hope and solutions at their heart.”


Join us for our virtual launch event on Friday, October 15, when we will explore the Hub’s features and hear how Oregon educators are integrating climate change education in their classroom.

Julia Turner



Sarah Ruggiero

Oregon Educators for Climate Education


Oregon Educators for Climate Education is a statewide group of educators working toward PK-12 climate education integration for Oregon students across all core subject areas.

SubjectToClimate is a nonprofit online connector for K-12 educators of all subjects to find credible and engaging materials on climate change at no cost.

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Lesson Plans
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