Provided by: Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |Published on: May 20, 2024
Graphs/Tables Grades 6-8, 9-12
This webpage displays tables of the current air quality and levels of fine pollutants (PM 2.5) and ozone for major towns in Connecticut and presents them visually on an interactive map.
The resource includes links to learn more about the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, historical ozone data, ozone action days, air monitoring in Connecticut, pollutant descriptions, and pollutant-specific health impacts.
This resource can be used with students of many ages to learn about air pollution and its health impacts.
Additional Prerequisites
The AIRNow Interactive Map of Air Quality displays data points for the entire NE but can be zoomed in to display only Connecticut air quality levels.
There are three links provided to sign up for air quality email updates.
Science and health classes can use this resource to learn about where air pollution comes from, how it affects living things, and the chemical nature of the pollutants.
Social studies classes can use this to connect to the health impacts of poor air quality and air pollution as a public health issue.
For middle school students, have them learn about the Air Quality Index values and use the second data table and interactive map to provide more specific data about certain pollutants.
For high school students, teachers can use the links provided to dive deeper into related topics such as historical data trends, ways to take action, and the science behind air quality monitoring.
Older students can also use the interactive map to compare the air quality in Connecticut to other states and other locations around the world. Students can brainstorm and research what factors may be impacting air quality in different locations.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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