Provided by: Climate Mental Health Network |Published on: September 27, 2023
Activity - Classroom Grades 9-12, 6-8
This activity allows students to describe, draw, or color in their feelings about climate change in a climate emotions wheel and encourages them to share their feelings with others.
This activity is based on research from the University of Helsinki and is available in 15 different languages.
The blank activity sheet is provided in the resource and can be printed out for students to complete.
The wheel covers a wide array of relevant emotions.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should understand each emotion on the wheel, so define any words that your students are unfamiliar with.
There are links to Parent Resources, Creative Art Therapy ideas, and a Guide for Action and Self Care at the end.
Check in with students as they complete this activity and be aware that some students may need to talk with a guidance counselor or other trusted adult to process negative emotions.
This activity can fit within a larger unit on the impact climate change has on personal health.
Teachers can use this activity as a conceptual introduction to climate grief and/or climate anxiety.
This activity can supplement a classroom discussion on how to effectively manage climate guilt, grief, or frustration.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format
About the Partner Provider
Climate Mental Health Network
Climate Mental Health Network urgently addresses the mental health impacts of the climate crisis through education, community engagement and by harnessing the power of media and technology.
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