Provided by: Climate Central |Published on: April 27, 2021
Interactive Media Grades 6-8, 9-12
This interactive map allows users to view the locations of levees and land areas projected to be below the average annual flood elevation at various times in the near and distant future.
The map is worldwide and searchable, with slider tools, a settings menu, and an instructional video about how to use the map.
The ability to change settings and projections to view the impacts is useful and fun.
The information tabs on the settings menu provide many opportunities for extension activities based upon this map and the data sets employed to create it.
Depending on the student level of understanding, it may be helpful to explore the impacts of rising seawater on populations and infrastructure when including this map in a learning activity.
The instructional video has an ad before it begins and is just under 5 minutes long.
Differentiation & Implementation
For students who may be interested in the economic and social impacts of sea level rise, invite them check out this video resource.
Encourage students to look at the NASA data on sea level rise and make some projections of their own. These could include simple predictions, such as future sea level height, or more complicated predictions, such as the possible migrations of at-risk communities to higher elevations.
For students in upper elementary and middle grades, this explanation of how humans measure global sea level is both interesting and helpful.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format
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Climate Central is an independent group of scientists and communicators who research and report the facts about our changing climate and how it affects people’s lives.