Students will learn about why it is important to protect coral reef habitats and how they can support those ecosystems.
The video highlights a student intern doing research with the NPS at Biscaye National Park.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should be familiar with terms such as coral reef, coral bleaching, and climate change to understand what is being discussed in the video.
Other helpful resources related to this topic are this introductory video on coral reefs and this Beyond the Dead Zone activity, where students learn more about coral bleaching in South Florida waters.
Students can be grouped and asked to come up with solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change and human activities on coral reefs. They can create a final product for the public such as a video, pamphlet, or infographic.
Science classes could use this video when learning about the scientific method, gathering data, analyzing data, designing an experiment, marine ecosystems, water pollution, or biodiversity hotspots.