Provided by: Crash Course |Published on: September 19, 2022
Videos Grades 9-12, ap-college
This video details ecosystem ecology, food webs, and how energy is transferred from one trophic level to another.
Students will learn how energy, nutrients, and materials are moved around within an ecosystem, in addition to learning about types of producers, consumers, detrivores, and the bioaccumulation of toxins in ecosystems.
This video uses engaging charts, graphs, and photographs to aid comprehension.
This resource provides a table of contents for quickly finding information within the video and also provides links to references.
Additional Prerequisites
It may be helpful to periodically pause the video to ensure comprehension, since a lot of information is presented at a fast pace.
There are some cultural references and jokes that might require explanation for some students.
This resource could be used to supplement lessons about energy flow, trophic structures, carrying capacity, interconnected cycles in nature, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or biodiversity in environmental science, biology, or ecology courses.
Math classes could use this video to explore the mathematical formula for biomagnification and then draw graphs to represent the increasing concentrations of various pollutants.
Health classes could use this video to supplement lessons about pollution and our exposure to toxins such as PCBs, PFOAs, DDT, and other hormone-disrupting pollutants.
Prior to using this resource, show this video that could serve as an introduction to ecology and have students complete a timeline of Earth's ecological history including the Eons.
Science classes could have students watch this Khan Academy video to learn more about ocean ecosystems, food webs, and the effects that ocean acidification has on them.