This resource from NOAA includes a variety of materials for both students and teachers to learn about estuaries.
The resource includes data, interactive maps, video libraries, and other information for estuaries in Alabama, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and Hawai'i.
The resource also includes lesson plans, teacher learning opportunities, news, and other valuable materials.
Region: New Jersey, Oregon, New York, Maine, California, Florida, Washington, Georgia, Texas, Puerto Rico, Alaska, South Carolina, Mississippi, Maryland, Delaware, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Alabama, Virginia
Teachers can benefit from the available professional development opportunities.
Students will love seeing videos from the estuaries near them, providing opportunities for place-based learning.
Depending on the activity, students may benefit from having map skills and knowing what an estuary is.
Students may also want to know if there is an estuary near them.
Differentiation & Implementation
Students can discuss the biodiversity in an estuary and how climate change and other human activities threaten that biodiversity. Teachers can link to human-induced impacts like drought, invasive species, overharvesting, or land use change.
The resource includes many lesson plans and other materials for classroom use under Estuary Education Resources.
Language arts teachers can use the News and Announcements section in a summarization exercise, where students read an article and summarize it for the class.
Social studies students can use the Estuary Reserve Locations map and additional research to create a travel brochure for one or a few of the map's locations.
Math and science teachers can use the Graphing and Export System feature to support learning goals in the classroom. This feature also includes a Teach with Data section, available in the About Data dropdown menu.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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Related Teaching Resources
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