Provided by: Yale Center on Climate Change and Health |Published on: May 8, 2024
Scientific Reports Grades 9-12
In this brief, students will read about the impacts of climate change in Connecticut, the negative effects on human health, the most at-risk populations, predictions for the future, and six recommendations to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat events.
Students will learn how climate change is already impacting communities.
The resource highlights the intersection of climate and social justice issues by identifying the most at-risk groups, including homeless and low-income communities.
Additional Prerequisites
The link "Climate Change and Health in Connecticut: 2020 Report" in the introduction section and the links in references 22 and 23 are broken.
Students should already be familiar with climate change.
This brief is focused on mitigating the risks of extreme heat, but students can brainstorm ways to reduce emissions and research strategies already utilized in their community.
Civics classes can explore the role of the government, organizations, and individuals in preventing the negative health effects of extreme heat.
Earth science classes can use this resource when learning about local climate change impacts, extreme weather, and climate change mitigation strategies.
Science classes can use this to connect to lessons about homeostasis, evaporative cooling, energy transfers, or nature-based solutions for urban populations.