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Fish Full of Antifreeze Protein Found Off the Coast of Greenland

Provided by: American Museum of Natural History |Published on: October 27, 2022
Articles/Websites Grades 6-8, 9-12


  • This resource highlights the juvenile variegated snailfish, which was found to produce the highest levels of specialized antifreeze proteins ever observed and is also the only polar fish to biofluoresce.
  • Students will learn about the rates of sea ice decline in the Arctic regions and how these warming conditions are predicted to impact specialized species, such as this snailfish.
Related Teaching Resources
Subjects: Biology, Earth and Space Sciences
Authors: American Museum of Natural History
Region: Europe, North America, Polar Regions
Languages: English

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American Museum of Natural History
The American Museum of Natural History is one of the world’s preeminent scientific and cultural institutions. Since its founding in 1869, the Museum has advanced its global mission to discover, interpret, and disseminate information about human cultures, the natural world, and the universe through a wide-ranging program of scientific research, education, and exhibition.