Provided by: Oregon Forest Resources Institute |Published on: April 19, 2023
Activity - Classroom Grades 3-5, k-2
This is a downloadable reading comprehension activity about animals that live in Oregon forests, including sketched images of the animals, short reading passages, and corresponding questions for each passage.
Students will learn about different animals in an engaging way and the stories include space for students to write their answers on the printed sheets.
The questions support reading comprehension and writing skills.
This resource is an excellent one for teaching about Oregon's forest animals through engaging stories.
Additional Prerequisites
Click on "Essay Booklet - 2nd/3rd" to download the PDF for free.
Younger students may need help answering the questions after each essay.
Cross-curricular connections can be made in art class by using the images as coloring pages.
Connect this resource to topics about climate change by discussing how these animals might be affected by droughts, higher temperatures, wildfires, or floods.
Consider assigning students to read or act out different parts in the stories to make the stories interactive.
Consider using this resource in reading stations or in a station rotation model.
As an extension, prompt students to write an essay in a similar style about another of Oregon's forest animals. This can be done individually, in groups, or as a whole class.
Scientist Notes
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