This short text provides an introduction to global warming and greenhouse gases with graphs of data, vocabulary terms, interactive questions, and a study guide.
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The images of Glacier National Park from 1940 and 2006 show the striking decline in glaciers.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should know how to analyze and interpret line graphs.
Teachers and students must sign in to use some of the interactive features.
Note that the image of Grinnell Glacier features two photographs: one from c. 1940 and one from 2006. Have your students conduct more research on Grinnell Glacier to see what it looks like now.
This text and study guide could be used as supplemental material for lessons about weather, climate, and biomes in science classes.
When signed in, students can access a toolbar allowing them to highlight, note-taking, view summaries, and additional information about the chapter.
To extend this lesson, have students watch this video about the history of climate science and then have them read this article by NASA about the difference between weather and climate.