Provided by: Probable Futures |Published on: January 31, 2022
Interactive Media Grades 6-8, 9-12
This resource details how the amount of sun an area receives strongly influences it's climate and how rising temperatures may impact different latitudes, with examples in cities such as Singapore, Fairbanks, and Milan.
Students will learn how rising temperatures will change the Earth as we know it, what Hothouse Earth may mean for human life, and the data that supports these concepts.
Cross curricular connections could be made in social studies classes by using the maps and latitudinal information in discussions about how climate change will impact different regions of the world.
This resource lends itself well to group work. Divide the class into three groups, one for each city discussed in the article. Have the groups brainstorm and chart what impacts each is feeling from climate change. What future problems can they predict?
As an extension, or for advanced students, have students choose another city or region at a similar latitude, but with a slightly different climate to one from the article to work with.
Probable Futures offers useful tools and maps to visualize climate change along with stories and insights to help people understand what those changes mean.