The video models interesting examples for each of the concepts.
The video is segmented into chapters, making it easy to jump to a specific section.
Additional Prerequisites
This video is meant for teachers, but some sections of the video could also be shown to students.
The video explains that lower elementary students can learn about the ways that animals and plants interact with their environment, while upper elementary students can learn about food webs.
Middle school students can learn about competition, predation, and mutualism, and high school students can learn about population growth and carrying capacity.
Lower elementary classes could make dioramas of plants and animals in their habitats. This coral reef in a box activity could be used as a model for other habitats.
Middle school students could create Google quizzes for their peers. Quizzes could cover subjects such as competition, predation, and mutualism. Students could take each other's quizzes and give feedback about the quiz's level of difficulty, creativity, and design.
Other resources on this topic include this video and article about the symbiotic relationship between fungi and plants, this article on the importance of primary forests, and this video on how bison fight climate change.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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