Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

Intro to Lead in Soil

Provided by: Orange County Environmental Justice
TransdisciplinaryPresentation Slides Grades 3-5


This presentation about lead contamination in Santa Ana, California provides age-appropriate content, maps, quiz questions, solutions, and connections to human health and socioeconomics.  It also highlights the importance of scientific data collection and analysis for answering important questions about health and the environment.
Share: This lesson plan is licensed under Creative Commons.
Subjects: SCI, HLTH
Authors: Orange County Environmental Justice
Region: California

Key Focus Areas

Core Component 1: Integration of Arts and Creative Expression

Students can read or create their own comic book or graphic novel to explain the issue and health risks of lead contamination in the lesson.

Core Component 2: Experiential and Project-Based Learning

Students can research the many health effects of lead poisoning mentioned in the lesson or participate in a solution identified for the Santa Ana area, such as working on policy changes to remove lead from soil or increasing access to free blood tests for lead. Students can collaborate with their city and local community-based partners to advocate for their community. 

Core Component 3: Building Empathy, Resilience, and Responsibility by Integrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Students are presented with information about the people most affected, the locations most affected, and an understanding of why some individuals are more at risk than others.  

This lesson also leans into the ideas of:


Teaching Tips