Provided by: The Nature Conservancy |Published on: June 15, 2021
Lesson Plans Grades 6-8
In this Nature Lab lesson, students will compare different sustainable and unsustainable forestry methods and distinguish between them, analyze satellite images, collect and organize field data about the variety of tree species in their own area, and draw conclusions about the importance and complexity of maintaining healthy and biologically diverse forests.
Clear learning intentions, required resources, and outcomes of lessons are provided.
Key vocabulary terms are included.
A variety of learning methods for engagement are included, such as the use of digital tools, video content, peer discussions, outdoor learning, and critical thinking questions.
Students are required to be able to read and interpret grid maps provided by Google Maps.
Tree guides are needed for the second lesson, but online options are suggested.
Computer access per student group is required.
On page 5, step 9 of Part 1: Engage, the link for students to look at forest cover is no longer working. You can use this other NASA website link instead.
In the Extend phase of the 5-E's model, research tasks are available for students to further their knowledge and understanding.
Question prompts are available to differentiate when students are required to draw conclusions.
Biology, environmental science, and ecology classes can use these lessons to illustrate the importance of land use changes on biodiversity, habitat loss, and the loss of ecosystem services. Have students research the effects of clearcutting on water pollution, landslides, topsoil erosion, and desertification.
Social studies classes can use one or both of these lessons to connect unsustainable land use practices to climate change and environmental justice topics, as many Indigenous peoples are negatively affected by clearcutting in or near their ancestral lands.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. The Nature Conservancy has grown to become one of the most effective and wide-reaching environmental organizations in the world.