Is Organic Really Better? Healthy Food or Trendy Scam?
Provided by: Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 9-12
This video from Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell compares the nutrition and environmental impact of organic farming to conventional farming.
It answers common questions about organic produce and concludes that the viewer should eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables from local sources, regardless of the organic status.
It presents the material with engaging and entertaining animation.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should be familiar with the terms sewage sludge, synthetic, pesticides, and fertilizers.
There are commercials and pop-up ads before and during the video.
For more information about the organic label and the number of acres used for organic farming, visit the USDA's website.
The video does not compare the government subsidies given to conventional farms vs. organic farms, which impacts the retail prices.
Science classes could research the prevalence of air and water pollution from conventional and herbicide-tolerant or pesticide-producing GMO farming activities and the lack of seed diversity in conventional farming that could impact global food supplies.
Civics and ethics classes could research the patenting of seeds and how this may affect small-scale farmers around the world.
Economics classes can use this video to discuss the demand for organic produce and the influence it has on agricultural land use and the global food system.