Liz Hadly Tracks the Impact of Climate Change in Yellowstone
Provided by: BioInteractive |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 9-12
In this resource, students will watch a video about the threats to Yellowstone National Park due to climate change and complete a worksheet about the video.
In the worksheet, students answer questions from the video, create a food web of Yellowstone National Park, and analyze data collected by researchers in the park.
The video includes real footage of wildlife in the park.
The student worksheet is a fillable PDF that can be used digitally or printed.
Additional Prerequisites
Video is downloadable if streaming is not an option.
The video and materials are also available in Spanish.
The activity is designed to fill one class period (about 50 minutes).
The food web on the worksheet is very simplified. In a biology class, students could further research the ecosystem in Yellowstone to create a more detailed web.
Teachers could challenge students to research how other national parks are being affected by climate change. Students could create food webs and discuss how climate change is altering the ecosystem.
After students complete the worksheet independently or with a partner, teachers could have a class discussion around some of the questions. Questions 6 and 7 lend themselves especially well to discussion.