Provided by: Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)
Lesson Plans Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
This curriculum from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy has ecology and environmental science units on different topics, depending on grade level.
These topics are air quality (6-12), climate change (6-12), ecosystems and biodiversity (6-8), energy resources (6-12), land and environment (3), land use (4-8), and water quality (9-12).
These collections each contain a wealth of activities, worksheets, readings, presentations, and more.
The materials give teachers the opportunity to provide their students with a well-rounded climate education throughout their schooling.
Teachers may need to request access to some of the materials and should make sure they can open everything before teaching this lesson.
Teachers should also check each lesson or activity to understand what background knowledge is necessary.
Differentiation & Implementation
Teachers can implement these lessons as a unit or individually, depending on student background knowledge and how the lessons fit into the curriculum.
Students can explore the interactive maps and resources in the EnviroLearning Hub to support their learning about climate change and other environmental topics.
Students can explore their local green space, environmental policies, energy landscape, or body of water, depending on which units or resources they are covering in class, to make more local place-based connections to the curriculum.