Provided by: Our World in Data |Published on: July 20, 2021
Graphs/Tables Grades 6-8, 9-12
This resource is an interactive map, graph, and table that displays the total annual methane emissions for countries throughout the world, starting from 1990.
The methane emissions are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, which takes into account their global warming potential.
The interactive provides three different ways for students to explore data (chart, map, table).
Students can customize the interactive to view different countries, continents, and years.
Additional Prerequisites
Learners need to be familiar with the concept of gas emissions.
The data and images are available to download.
This resource can be used as a practical application of the uses of line graphs learned in Mathematics.
Students can explore the dataset to identify patterns and trends in the data.
Students can research the main sources of methane emissions, how methane compares to other greenhouse gases, and possible solutions to reduce these emissions.