Provided by: MyCoast |Published on: April 27, 2021
Graphs/Tables Grades k-2, 3-5
This interactive map and citizen science project allows students to document and examine photos of New Jersey's rivers, estuaries, bays, and coastline.
The site allows for participants to explore other photo submissions and submit their own photos of places they love in their own communities.
This resource allows people to document places that are important to them to encourage the preservation of natural spaces.
Students can use the digital map to identify other popular ecotourist sites in New Jersey.
Participants who submit their own photos must register to create a free account.
Students in younger grades (K-5) may need help using this resource and in identifying the differences between the terms estuary, bay, ocean, and river.
Differentiation & Implementation
This resource is a great way to help young students learn to navigate digital maps and learn about their local community and state.
Science classes could use this resource to view images of coastal ecosystems when learning about wetland habitats, rivers, and oceans.
Pair this resource with this similar resource that allows people to document instances of high water in New Jersey, or this Nature Show and Tell activity.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format
Related Teaching Resources
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