Provided by: Rutgers University |Published on: April 27, 2021
Graphs/Tables Grades 6-8, 9-12
This interactive flood mapping tool shows which parts of New Jersey will be prone to future flooding based on three greenhouse gas emissions scenarios and various factors that can be adjusted.
Other helpful features include a tool called "municipal snapshots," which allows students to build a variety of reports on a chosen municipality, and "New Jersey MyCoast," which displays photos of actual flood events on the map.
This tool gives students a visual representation of how greenhouse gas emission levels will directly affect the rate of flooding in New Jersey.
Students can share, save, or print maps.
Students should start by clicking on the "total water levels tool," which will help them to understand the different data points.
The term "SLOSH" stands for sea, lake, and overland surges from hurricanes.
Differentiation & Implementation
Science teachers could assign students different locations and scenarios and have them write a report showing what the location will look like in fifty years.
Social studies and civics classes could use the "map layers" section of the resource to introduce a variety of pertinent layers into the map.
Other resources on this topic include this interactive Google Earth resource on the fate of coastal cities and this podcast episode on sea level rise.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format
Related Teaching Resources
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