Provided by: Environmental Protection Agency |Published on: December 4, 2023
Articles/Websites Grades 9-12, ap-college
This article provides information about career opportunities and internships with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and a video describing the jobs, internships, and application process.
Students will learn about paid and unpaid internships with the Environmental Protection Agency, the benefits of working for the EPA, and how to become eligible and apply for these open positions.
There are many career opportunities and avenues listed in this resource.
Students with many different interests and skill sets may find the available job opportunities applicable to them.
Additional Prerequisites
The NCI internships home page link is broken and the Virtual Student Federal Service link may not load.
It may benefit students to understand the Environmental Protection Agency and what they do.
While these career opportunities are for college students or recent graduates, high school students may find this resource beneficial for long-term career planning.
Younger students may benefit from guided notes to aid comprehension while watching the video.
Language arts students can write a persuasive piece about the benefits of working for the EPA, using the video as source material.
Students can create an infographic for people interested in working for the EPA.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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