Provided by: Our World in Data |Published on: July 20, 2021
Graphs/Tables Grades 9-12, ap-college
This interactive resource allows students to explore the per capita carbon dioxide emissions from cement production for any country, with some data going back to 1750.
This resource helps students visualize the data with colorful graphs and maps.
Students may not know that making cement produces greenhouse gases, so this could be enlightening.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should know how to read a line graph and a global map.
Students may need some background information about carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect.
Connections can be made with geography or economics classes that are studying globalization and the effects of development on resource use and industrial pollution.
Chemistry classes can use this resource to connect chemical reactions and greenhouse gases with global issues and topics.
Math classes could use the downloadable data to perform statistical analysis or practice graphing.
Biology classes could use this resource to connect human activities with the greenhouse effect and the carbon cycle.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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