Provided by: Sea Level Rise |Published on: April 27, 2021
Articles/Websites Grades 6-8, 9-12
This article describes solutions for protecting coastal communities from the impacts of sea level rise.
Students will learn that individuals, local communities, and the state and the federal government must work together to prepare coastal communities for climate-induced flooding.
The text is easy to read and contains detailed pictures that help to illustrate the solutions.
Students can click on the blue superscript numbers, which appear next to each solution, for more information.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should have prior knowledge about coastal regions in the United States.
The link for the Slowing Land Sinkage section is broken.
Geography classes could use this interactive flood risk map to see which areas of the world are prone to flooding. Students could discuss which solutions from the article could help specific coastal communities around the world.
Social Studies and Civics classes could pair this resource with this short film on the Isle de Jean Charles and then discuss the pros and cons of managed retreat.
Earth science classes could watch this video on sea level rise and then discuss how climate action is a flood prevention solution.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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Related Teaching Resources
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