Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

Sustainability Engagement ELA Lesson

Provided by: MIT Climate Action Through Education
Lesson Plans Grades 9-12


  • In this lesson, students will learn about the definition and origin of sustainability and design a sustainability engagement project or write a speech that connects their values to a sustainability issue.
  • As the resource notes, in the video Body Language & Gestures (5:07-8:10), the speaker uses the middle finger as an example of a gesture. Teachers can either omit this video entirely or stop the video at 7:00, as the speaker's point is made before this.
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Subjects: Earth and Space Sciences, English Language Arts
Authors: Kathryn Teissier du Cross
Region: United States, Global
Languages: English

Teaching Materials

Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format

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