This video from Deutsche Welle is 8 minutes and 30 seconds long and tells the story of the German village of Feildheim and their path to going off-grid and for energy production.
Students will learn about how community members collaborated to create their own grid, powered it using windmills, solar panels, and biofuels, and reduced the cost of energy for the citizens.
This video is an excellent example of community collaboration and buy-in for climate solutions.
Students will be inspired by the story of this self-proclaimed rebellious community.
Students should understand what renewable energy is.
Students should also know what it means to reduce emissions and how clean energy sources contribute to this goal.
Differentiation & Implementation
During the parts with the English subtitles for the German speakers, some students may benefit from pausing or slowing the video to read.
After watching the segments about wind and solar in the village, students can compare the benefits and drawbacks of each. The resource Wind, Solar, and Climate Change includes a lesson plan that can help facilitate this discussion.