Provided by: Google Earth |Published on: April 27, 2021
Interactive Media Grades 6-8, 9-12
This interactive time-lapse map takes students to Las Vegas, Dallas-Fort Worth, Seoul, Shanghai, São Paulo, Lagos, Paris, Dubai, and Singapore to explore urban expansion over time.
Satellite imagery dates back to 1985 and each location includes a summary of the changes observed and some of the unique features of each location.
The descriptions provide information about the drivers of urban expansion, mitigating factors, and/or some solutions to the challenges faced in different locations.
Seeing these changes from satellite imagery is a powerful way to introduce students to a number of related topics.
Additional Prerequisites
If you are using wireless Internet or a slower connection, it may take longer for the images to load.
Pausing the progression of images allows students to compare the images from different years and identify all of the changes.
Students could use this resource as a whole-class activity, in groups, or as an individual activity.
Connections with social studies, history, or economics classes could be made when discussing how the distribution of people within a country and/or the overall population size of a country might affect various factors such as trade, education, living standards, pollution, or inequality.