Warming Up to Adaptation: Everglades National Park
Provided by: National Park Service |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 6-8, 9-12
This video introduces students to the climate change effects on Everglades National Park and the Florida Bay Area.
The video discusses the impacts of sea level rise, hurricanes, and the adaptation measures the park service has taken to protect the park and its resources.
Students will learn about the sustainable and accessible enhancements made to the park after two hurricanes damaged the park.
Included in the description section is an audio-described version, along with links to other related adaptation videos.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should be familiar with the basic terms of climate change, sea level rise, and adaptation.
Prior to showing this video, students can watch the Warming Up to Adaptation: Series Introduction.
Before viewing the video, students can conduct research on the impacts of climate change on National Parks.
Students can be grouped and asked to research the differences between adaptation and mitigation, and then write a summary or present to the class.
Beyond The Dead Zoneis another resource to consider using on this topic, where students will watch two videos and complete activities on the topic of human impacts on Everglades National Park.