This TED-Ed video compares paper, plastic, and cloth bags to determine which one is the best for the environment.
Students will learn that the environmental impact of an object, like a bag, is determined by how an object is produced, if it can be reused (and for how long), if it can be recycled, and if it is biodegradable.
This video will inspire students to consider all of the environmental factors that go into choosing the right shopping bag.
The colorful animations will keep students engaged.
Additional Prerequisites
The link labeled "landfills" in the Dig Deeper section is broken.
Teachers must create a free account to use the interactive Think and Discuss sections.
Before watching the video, teachers could ask students which type of bag they think is best for the environment and why. After the video, students could discuss the following questions:
Did the video make you think differently about the environmental impact of shopping bags? Why?
Will you change your habits as a consumer?
Do you think the information in the video would influence people's buying habits? Why or why not?
How can mindful consumers help fight climate change?
Civics classes could discuss laws that ban stores from providing single-use plastic bags to customers.
Other resources on this topic include this activity for building a reusable bag stand, this video on plastic pollution, and this video on the environmental impact of manufacturing a pair of jeans.