Provided by: Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |Published on: May 13, 2024
Articles/Websites Grades 6-8, 9-12
This collection of fact sheets will inform students about different species of animals in Connecticut, their status as endangered or threatened species, and the proper way to interact with them.
Students will learn about the animals' habitats, diets, and life cycles.
Each animal fact sheet is incredibly detailed and includes images of the animals.
The resource gives practical ways to handle encounters with animals as nuisances or threats.
Additional Prerequisites
Students may need the terms extirpated, deciduous, coniferous, carrion, brackish, plastron, quarry, neurological, and others defined before they read the sheets.
Students should know how animal populations fluctuate due to various pressures.
The link for hunting information on the coyote fact sheet is broken.
Teachers can assign the fact sheets according to students' reading stamina, as the fact sheets vary in length.
For ELL students, teachers can use tools like the Google Translate Chrome Extension to translate the page into the student's preferred language.
Students can use the fact sheets and other resources to research an animal of their choice and how climate change has influenced their survival, habitat, and other factors.
Language arts students can write narratives from the perspective of one of the animals, describing their life throughout the year.
Teachers can coordinate with woodshop classes to have students build the nest boxes described in some fact sheets.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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