Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan
In this lesson students research, analyze, and evaluate the historical context and ecological impact of invasive species on nearby communities.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students discuss invasive species and choose an invasive they recognize.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students conduct research on invasive species' historical context and ecological impacts utilizing approved sources and take photographs of an invasive species around them.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students create an infographic and write an ”Instagram” post with a relevant, engaging caption summarizing what they have learned about their invasive species.
Grade 9-12
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students explore the impact of climate change on global and regional biodiversity and design a biodiverse backyard for their community, strengthening their sense of responsibility and connection to Hawai’i. 

Step 1 - Inquire: Students envision and write about their dream backyard in detail, watch Nohoʻana Farm Huakaʻi, and choose five native plants to include in their backyard.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students read "Our Inheritance" and analyze the impact of the Green Revolution on Hawaii's native ecosystems.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students explore biodiversity in Hawai’i and create a design for their own biodiverse backyard.
Grade 9-12
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

In this lesson, students examine the relationship between climate change, coral reefs, and ocean organisms, strengthening their sense of responsibility and Hawai’i.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students learn about current threats to the ocean, summarize their observations of zooxanthellae, and develop connections between their favorite ocean hobby and threats to ocean life. 

Step 2 - Investigate: Students explore the role of coral reefs in maintaining biodiversity through a jigsaw-style reading and create a one-page group summary.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students research a local ocean organism and create a first-person narrative exploring the connections between climate change, coral reefs, and their oceanic organisms.

Grade 9-12
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

9-12 Thumbnails (5)
Lesson Plan
Students develop tiered questions and discuss the sugar industry’s impacts in a rhetorical analysis seminar.

Inquire: Students explore how agricultural practices can affect soil health and the impact this has on our planet.
Investigate: Students work in groups to research the varying impacts of the sugarcane industry on Maui and create two sets of leveled questions.
Inspire: Students engage in an interactive seminar and reflect on their participation and experience.
Grade 9-12
Subject Science,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

9-12 Thumbnails (21)
Lesson Plan
Students journal and share their own experiences of the Lahaina Wildfire, and are given space to process their emotions. Students identify the causes and effects of the 1919 and 2023 Lahaina Wildfires. 

Inquire: Students explore the Lahaina Wildfires through journaling and discussion, reflecting on personal experiences.
Investigate: Students read three articles to identify the causes and effects of wildfires. 
Inspire: Students create a mind map of the causes and effects of the wildfires and create a video summary of what they have learned. 
Grade 9-12
Subject Social Studies,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

9-12 Thumbnails (22)
Lesson Plan
Students explore the cultural significance of native plants and investigate how Lahaina's wildlife has transformed over time. Students design a sidewalk art display to highlight the importance of native plants in Hawai‘i. 

Inquire: Students explore the meanings associated with specific plants. 
Investigate: Students investigate how and why Lahaina’s wildlife has changed over time. 
Inspire: Students design a sidewalk art display utilizing native and culturally significant plants. 
Grade 9-12
Subject English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

9-12 Thumbnails (23)
Lesson Plan
Students explore the wonder and importance of Lahaina's coral reefs, analyzing the environmental threats they face and considering solutions through reading and video analysis. Students use their writing skills to advocate for measures to protect Lahaina’s coral reefs.  

Inquire: Students observe coral reefs and share their prior knowledge about coral reefs. 
Investigate: Students read and listen to a variety of sources to learn about threats facing coral reefs and possible solutions.
Inspire: Students write a persuasive letter calling for action to a local government official. 
Grade 9-12
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

9-12 Thumbnails (24)
Lesson Plan
Students explore their own emotions and experiences with water rights in Lahaina and compare historical and contemporary narratives on the subject. Students write persuasive letters to the editor from the point of view of a stakeholder in the water rights debate in Lahaina. 

Inquire: Students share their initial emotions and thoughts related to water scarcity in Hawai‘i.  
Investigate: Students compare historical and modern narratives of water rights in Lahaina. 
Inspire: Students brainstorm a list of stakeholders and write a persuasive letter from the perspective of a stakeholder to promote sustainable water use.
Grade 9-12
Subject Social Studies,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

9-12 Thumbnails (25)
Lesson Plan
Students explore the concept of environmental stewardship, investigating how the ali‘i managed resources and how this changed over time with the arrival of foreigners to the islands. Students outline an argumentative essay discussing the environmental legacy of the ali‘i. 

Inquire: Students observe a painting of Lahaina in the past and generate questions about its environment.
Investigate: Students read about the land management practices of the ali‘i, how the practices changed with foreign arrivals, and current land management practices in Lahaina.
Inspire: Students discuss the land management practices of the ali‘i and outline an argumentative essay about their legacy.
Grade 9-12
Subject Social Studies,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

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