Nicholas is a career science teacher and writer. He earned his bachelor's degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and his master's degree from Harvard Graduate School of Education. He has worked as a high school and middle school science teacher for nine years. And he has written science content for both and TED-Ed.
His particular passions include project-based learning, climate change physics, and finding ways to maximize student engagement. Some of his work can be found on his teaching website, Outside of teaching, Nicholas enjoys the great outdoors, playing guitar, and ultimate frisbee.
In this lesson, students practice volume and surface area formulas and use geometry to investigate how the melting of all the ice in Antarctica would impact sea level rise.
Inquire: Students speculate how one could use geometry to calculate the water level produced by a melting block of ice placed on a classroom table.
Investigate: Students follow mathematical steps to answer the question “How much would sea levels rise if Antarctica melted?”
Inspire: Students explore the effects of sea level rise on coastal communities and the measures being taken to build resilience.