Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

Food and Climate Change Guide For K-2

Food and Climate Change Guide For K-2

Explore this Guide

Welcome to our K-2 Food and Climate Change Guide! Explore the world of food with us, as we investigate how food systems and human activities can affect our changing climate and the ecosystems we rely on. Find lesson plans, games, activities, videos, worksheets, and more, all centered around food and the effects of climate change. Our educational resources are hand-picked and ready to use to facilitate fun, kid-friendly food discussions in your classroom!

Lesson Plans

These lesson plans for grades K-2 cover every part of the food journey from the farm to your plate. Explore lessons on food production and climate science with hands-on activities to make these concepts accessible to our younger learners.

Dena James Profile

Food Origins: Science Lesson

In this lesson, students learn where food comes from and the importance of preserving Earth’s natural resources and biodiversity. 

More Lesson Plans

Composting: Science Lesson
Scraps Into Soil
Protecting Bees: An Interdisciplinary Lesson

Looking for More Free Teaching Tips, Bundles & Classroom Resources?

Games & Activities

Build your students’ understanding of climate and food in subtle, fun ways using interactive games and activities that help students connect what they are learning to the real-world impacts of climate change.

Rumble in the Jumble

Rumble in the Jumble

In this short game, students can test what they know about what does and does not belong in their home compost bin.

Rumble in the Jumble

More Games & Activities

Food I Eat Writing Activity
Composting Beginning Sounds Worksheet
Composting Syllables Worksheet

Videos & Books

Engage students with relevant discussions on food and global warming using visual storytelling resources. Find grade-level appropriate videos, books, and read-aloud activities that will expand students’ climate literacy. 

Tuyen's Tremendous Trash Tour

Tuyen's Tremendous Trash Tour

In this digital picture book, Tuyen and Earthly tour Vietnam and learn about food waste and its environmental impacts on surrounding habitats.

Tuyen's Tremendous Trash Tour

More Videos & Books

Bee and Me
Andrea & Flavio's Fantastic Forest Farm
A Peek Into Composting

Partner Resources

Looking to bring more lessons on food into your curriculum? Our partners have you covered! Check out these amazing resources from our partners, Center for Ecoliteracy and FoodCorps!

Nourishing Students: Enrichment Activities for Grades K-5
Nourishing Students: Posters
People Who Feed Us
Plant a Pizza Garden

Climate Change Explainers

Does fertilizer impact climate change?

Does Fertilizer Impact Climate Change?

Learn more about the role fertilizers play in climate change.

Does Climate Change Affect Agriculture?

Does Climate Change Affect Agriculture?

This article explores how food systems and agriculture relate to climate change.

What are Biofuels?

What are Biofuels?

Learn more about what biofuel is and its connection to climate change.

Next Steps

We're excited for you to bring food-filled fun into your classroom with the hands-on lesson plans, outdoor activities, and engaging visuals in our K-2 Food and Climate Change Guide. Deepen your students' understanding of earth systems and the greenhouse gas emissions of food, while incorporating themes of sustainability and climate action into your classroom. Explore SubjectToClimate.org to find K-2 resources on food, climate change education, and more!

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