Provided by: Milwaukee Riverkeeper |Published on: July 26, 2023
Articles/Websites Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, k-2
This article provides information about the Milwaukee Riverkeeper organization's classroom programs that offer lessons and activities about STEM careers, watersheds, and protecting water quality in the Milkwaukee area.
These activities can be scheduled with the organization to provide access to the tools and expertise from this organization.
These activities are tailored for schools that can't engage in off-campus field trips.
These activities expose students to STEM careers.
Additional Prerequisites
There is an email address at the end of the article to contact for scheduling the activities.
These activities could supplement a classroom discussion on what economic incentives have led to fewer restrictions on chemical pollution and more plastic production.
The "An Introduction to Water" activity could enhance a mini-lesson on the ocean's usefulness as a carbon sink.
The "An Introduction to Water" activity could accompany a classroom discussion on the impact water quality has on personal health.
These activities could support a classroom discussion on the importance of protecting natural ecosystems, habitats, and biodiversity.