Provided by: Audubon |Published on: August 11, 2023
Articles/Websites Grades 6-8, 9-12
This interactive and artistic collection of birds found in New England provides an illustration of each bird, a bird song recording, and the common and scientific names of the birds.
Clicking on the image will take you to the detailed page about each bird, with biological information, photographs, conservation status, climate vulnerability, a map of their habitat range, and additional song recordings.
The artwork could be used as inspiration for students learning how to draw or paint animals.
The songs and information provided can be used by a wide range of students for a variety of purposes.
Additional Prerequisites
Students will need access to a device, speakers, and the Internet to browse the site and listen to the songs.
Students should know the difference between the common name and the scientific name in Latin.
Have younger students go outside to look and listen for birds in their area and then use the Audubon site to identify the birds they saw and heard.
Science classes could use the habitat, behavior, and food requirements provided to assess how a particular bird may be affected by extreme temperatures or false spring conditions caused by climate change.
Art students could use the illustrations as models for an art project and then incorporate an abstract element into the background that represents the risks to that species.
Environmental clubs or performing arts classes could use this site as a reference for posters, performances, or music that represents the risks to native birds in the Northeast.
Have younger students select a bird to build a habitat diorama that includes the bird's nest, eggs, and food.