Provided by: Be Smart |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 9-12
This comprehensive video details the many reasons for the current mass extinction event, which could result in over a million different species disappearing from the face of the Earth.
There are many topics covered regarding this crisis, including pollution, population growth, resource use, agriculture, deforestation, climate change, sea level rise, overfishing, runoff from fertilizers, spreading diseases, and introduction of invasive species.
This video may garner an emotional response from many students and stimulate class discussions or motivate students to take action.
There are many colorful animations and helpful diagrams.
Additional Prerequisites
The video description offers linked resources on the various topics discussed. Students can explore these resources for additional context before or after the video.
There may be an ad before the video.
Some students may need additional time to take notes, reference vocabulary terms, or use a graphic organizer to gather all of the information presented in this video.
Advanced students could choose a major cause of species extinctions to research further and then present their findings to the class.
The video is closed-captioned and subtitles are available in several languages.
Science classes could use this video for lessons about ecology, biomes, biodiversity, carrying capacity, predator-prey interactions, habitats, invasive species, and land-use changes.
Social studies classes could discuss in groups (or as a class) the ethics of species extinctions and whether nature and other species have the right to exist.