Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

Images across New Jersey
Photos from Dale
Rosselet, Allison Mulch,
Dalton Farms, and NJ Audubon

New Jersey Climate Change
Education Hub

The resources you and your school need to effectively teach climate change.

These comprehensive resources are built around the official NJ Student Learning Standards and expand on the work of the New Jersey Department of Education.

Teaching Resources

Search our database by keywords, resource type, grade level, subject, NJ Student Learning Standards, and more. All resources have been reviewed by a scientist and teacher team.

  • This 8.5-minute video from WWF provides an introduction to how we can obtain a sustainable existence on Earth.
  • The video focuses on being in balance with nature and the need for resource management that allows both humans and nature to thrive.
  • While the video lays out some concerning facts about biodiversity loss, it ends with a call to action and a hopeful message that humans are capable of changing the world.

Grade 6-8 | 9-12
Subject Biology
Resource Type Games

  • This interactive map from NOAA and the National Hurricane Center shows the risk of storm surges in coastal regions based on the category classification of a hurricane.
  • Students can select the category of the hurricane, then see a color-coded risk assessment for the U.S. East and Gulf Coast, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Hispaniola, Yucatan, Hawai'i, Southern California, Guam, and American Samoa.
Grade 6-8 | 9-12
Subject Biology,Earth and Space Sciences,Geography
Resource Type Graphs/Tables

  • This collection of activities from NYC Audubon will support students in understanding, exploring, and designing green roofs.
  • The activities are designed with the Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages and focus on New York-specific information.
Grade k-2 | 3-5
Subject Science
Resource Type Activity - Outdoors

Professional Learning

Find the right professional learning opportunity for you or your school, whether it is support for curriculum development or foundational knowledge about climate change.

Climate Mental Health Network

Addressing Climate Change Emotions: A Groundbreaking Toolkit for Educators

Join us for the launch of the first evidence-based, teacher-test...

Format: Online: Synchronous
Date(s) Offered: March 25, 2025

Discovering, Exploring, and Sharing Climate Resources - Webinar Series

Each session will be 90 minutes and will include:Nationally renowned...

Format: Online: Asynchronous, Online: Synchronous
Date(s) Offered: March 3, March 19, April 1, April 14

Discovering, Exploring, and Sharing Climate Resources

"CLEAN and ISKME are partnering to bring together climate researchers, K-12 educators...

Format: Online: Synchronous
Date(s) Offered: March 19, April 1, 14 4:00pm MDT

All resources can be used for your educational purposes with proper attribution to the content provider.