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New Jersey Climate Change
Education Hub

The resources you and your school need to effectively teach climate change.

These comprehensive resources are built around the official NJ Student Learning Standards and expand on the work of the New Jersey Department of Education.

Teaching Resources

Search our database by keywords, resource type, grade level, subject, NJ Student Learning Standards, and more. All resources have been reviewed by a scientist and teacher team.

  • This article features an interview with Wanjira Mathai about her work with the Carter Center, The Green Belt Movement, and the World Resources Institute, and the connections between human health and the environment.
  • Students will learn how poverty impacts a country's ability to deal with climate change and environmental issues, how land use change impacts the water cycle, and about restoration efforts in Africa, such as agroforestry.

Grade 6-8 | 9-12
Subject Science,Social Studies,Career Skills
Resource Type Articles/Websites

  • This article details the educational and professional career of Dr. Warren Washington, who made strides in climate science and modeling.
  • Students will learn about Dr. Washington's many achievements, including his inspirational representation for people of color in atmospheric science, his writing about three-dimensional climate models, and his philanthropic legacy.

Grade 6-8 | 9-12
Subject History,Career Skills
Resource Type Articles/Websites

  • This 10-lesson unit introduces students to environmental justice and health, health impacts in environmental justice communities, the use of science and data in environmental justice, and ways to fight against environmental injustice.
  • The lessons cover a wide range of related topics, like air and water quality, the importance of green spaces, citizen science, mapping tools, and environmental justice policy.
  • Students will explore many case studies from Detroit and Flint, Michigan.

Grade 6-8
Subject Biology,Geography
Resource Type Lesson Plans

  • In this student-facing module, students will explore the economic, technological, and career opportunities in the ocean.
  • Students will explore the different ocean industries, different sources of renewable energy in the ocean, aquaculture and fishing, and innovations in ocean-related biotechnology.

Grade 9-12 | ap-college
Subject Science,Economics,Career Skills
Resource Type Lesson Plans

  • In this lesson, students will look at where energy primarily comes from in their state, discuss what is using energy in their homes, and determine what can be done to reduce energy use.
  • Students will calculate the cost of electricity in Massachusetts (or their home state) and determine the impacts of a 5-10% reduction in energy use per person.
  • The resource also includes an optional science lesson for students to test the energy use of household appliances.

Grade 9-12
Subject Science,Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plans

  • In this activity, students will compare flying and driving based on the emissions per person of a trip to determine the better mode of transportation for the climate.
  • Students will use division and their knowledge of contrails to determine the best travel option for the climate.

Grade 6-8
Subject Earth and Space Sciences,Mathematics
Resource Type Activity - Classroom

  • This lesson plan looks at the recent history of climate change and science, focusing on environmental disasters caused by pesticides and oil spills, the history of Earth Day, and the role of Exxon Mobile and corporate greed in climate uncertainty.
  • Students will watch and read speeches from influential environmentalists, analyze primary sources, and create a civic action project.

Grade 9-12
Subject Earth and Space Sciences,History
Resource Type Lesson Plans

  • In this activity, students will analyze climate change memes and discuss the advantages and drawbacks of using memes to inform and communicate.
  • The resource also includes tips, guides, and demonstrations for the teacher to facilitate and create media decoding activities.

Grade 9-12
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Activity - Classroom

  • This resource briefly covers the basics of nuclear energy.
  • Students will learn the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, the environmental and climate impacts of each method, and the energy potential for each method.

Grade 9-12 | ap-college
Subject Physics
Resource Type Articles/Websites

  • This interactive map allows students to visualize datasets associated with the atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere.
  • Students can compare two different datasets, download the data as a table, see the data as a time plot, and isolate data for a specific location.
Grade 9-12
Subject Earth and Space Sciences,Geography
Resource Type Interactive Media